Founded & Grounded
Founded & Grounded
UK's No.2 ranked startup podcast. We bring you the honest realities of startup life, from early-stage founders who are only a couple of steps ahead.
Ollie CollardBecky SageLaura RawlingsAndrew Parsonage

Nova Blue: Decoding the secrets to startup success from former GCHQ Technical Director

S4 E7 • Jan 23, 2023 • 64 mins

Discover the secret to business success straight from a former intelligence expert. Meet Steve Mason, former Technical Director at GCHQ. Having defended the UK from cyber attacks, he now runs Nova Blue - helping businesses to stay safe. But this isn’t a tech conversation - in this episode, Steve shares the key ingredients that help him make business decisions, how he attracts clients and deals with setbacks - including the mistake that almost cost him his business.

Key Points

  • Being a founder doesn't automatically equate to being an effective CEO, as the two roles require different mindsets and skill sets.
  • Cybersecurity is more than just technology protection; it encompasses culture, leadership, governance, and policies that safeguard digital assets.
  • How to become effective at sales. Even the most experienced individuals can struggle if they cannot communicate their ideas or services effectively.
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